Hello Everyone!
This is my first ever personal blog post!
During my lifetime I was always a lazy person when it comes to writing. I got easily distracted and get bored while writing long paragraphs. The vast majority of my written outputs are quick notes, messaging and short e-mails.
I decided to break my lifelong habit and write down the things in a nicely shaped blog posts.
There are some motivations behind this. In the past, I did express my opinions and knowledge on social media. I thought the media I used will last forever. That was wrong. As an example, Facebook was looking immortal to everyone 10 years ago but right now, nobody uses it. There is no guarantee that same thing couldn’t happen to Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium and maybe to whole world wide web. Having your own media as the first source of information is always and will be the most reliable option.
Even the social media still exists, I am no longer using any social media (except LinkedIn) for years. I have permanently deleted all my social media accounts due to common privacy concerns.
And of course, the most important reason is sharing the knowledge. I’m planning to share useful information about technology (mostly marketing and data related) from here. It is always better for everyone to write down the things.
In the upcoming posts, I will also explain the details about how I easily created this website with zero cost and minimal effort. I have also deployed a future-proof data analytics infrastructure behind it. This place is also my sandbox where I perform my expirements.
Stay tuned, moremto come. Love you all!
Cheers. Fırat Yaman